Well after making about a couple dozen bagels a week for the last 3 or 4 weeks, I figured I would try Cinn./Raisin Bagels as well as regulars.
I soon found out Cinn./Raisin Bagels are not like making regular bagels. The shaping really kicked my butt. Plenty of lumps, bumps, seams, oh what a mess. I have been making my bagels in 4.5oz. size. But with raisins I went with a 5oz. weight. After shaping I was really concerned they would end up looking like bumpy biscuits, but I was happy with the ending results. Most of the lumps smoothed out in the baking process.
After reading Tigressbakes Cornbread post I decided to give it a go. She is right in her post, it makes alot of cornbread. But it is a very good recipe. I took a shot of the outside and then later took some of the inside, but those photos didnt turn out so well. Here is what I did have.
After trying this out I decided to give Sourdough Guys "Sunflower Seed Bread" an attempt. Since I am still wrestlin with my starter I decided to try to adapt it to a White/Wheat bread with a white poolish. I used his weight ratios for the seeds. He warned that he didnt go 100% with them, so I figured what the heck, I'll try. So with that I took the entire added up weight of all flours used in the recipe and matched it with exactly the same amount of roasted seeds (per his spec.). WOW was that alot. It was a bit messy, and a whole lotta fun. I used Mike Averys folding method that I read about thanks to JMonkeys recent post, and here are my results. ALOT of seeds.......Tastes pretty good though if you dont mind so much crunch in your bread.
Well thats all for now...