The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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bakerb's picture

B’s Five Layer Hidden Focaccia

OK! OK! OK...I had this idea to use pesto, olives, & cheeses, you know, yum Italian flavored stuff, in a bread loaf, and I thought I'd just use the rolled-out, then rolled-up technique, but then I thought of trying this:

B’s Five Layer Hidden Focaccia½ the dough of Floyd’s Italian Bread…nice wet flippy dough…1 jar Organic Bella Terra Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto, 3 oz.7 pimento stuffed green olives, sliced¼ t. fennel seeds, toasted & slightly crushed4 hunks sun-dried tomatoes, chopped2.2 oz. freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano1 oz. fresh mozzarella piecesDivide dough into 3 pieces, 2 large & 1 small…Stretch or pull one of the large pieces to about 10 - 11 inches in diameter …place on peel on cornmeal sprinkled parchment…spread ½ of the pesto, ½ of the olives, ½ of the fennel seeds, ½ of the tomatoes, & ½ of the cheeses onto the dough within ½ inch of the edge…Begin to preheat  the oven, stone, & water pan to 550 degrees, convection…Stretch or pull the small piece of dough to just barely cover the toppings…spread on the rest of the toppings, in the same order as above, to the edge of the second dough…Stretch or pull the last large piece of dough the same size as the original…mist the bare edge of the original dough with water…place the last piece of dough on & press & seal the edges…check for large air pockets between the top dough & the toppings underneath & poke a hole to release the air…My prebaked loaf was about 1 inch high x 12 inches diameter…it sat for about 15 minutes while the oven finished heating…Thoroughly mist the loaf with water…slide the parchment & loaf onto the stone, pour 1 c. hot water into water pan & mist the loaf again…mist 4 more times, 30 sec. apart…lower temperature to 450 degrees, convection (lower temperature 25 degrees if no convection)…bake 22 minutes, rotating once…207 degrees internal temp…

My baked loaf ended-up measuring 2 inches high x 11 inches in diameter… I did not slash it, it didn’t split as it baked and only leaked slightly on the top in 2 places…the crust was dark, doughdoughloafloafloafloafcrumbcrumbcrumbcrumbcrumbcrumbcrumb layerscrumb layersthin and crispy, the crumb was airy & moist and the” toppings” were oh so flavorful…I guess, if anything, I would add more olives & cheese...

zainaba22's picture

Quick 10 Minutes Dough flat bread

Makes 4 large or 8 small.

 1 recipe 10 Minutes Dough ( I use 2 whole wheat flour cups +3 white flour cups in this recipe).

1) Preheat the oven to 550F.

2) Divide dough into 4 or 8 pieces.

3) Shape each piece into a ball.

4) Roll each piece to round.

5) Place onto oven trays or hot baking surface for 2-3 minutes.



woefulbaker's picture

Bread Science

Bread Science: The Chemistry and Craft of Baking Bread  (Emily Buehler) Having read the excerpts, I feel sure I would enjoy this book.  I really want to learn more about the science behind the bread (and applying it to improve technique, of course).  This looks to be the perfect book for me.  Some complex microbiology and organic chemistry explained in easy-to-follow diagrams and description. Does anyone have this book? Love to hear opinions.I'm hoping to order a copy soon (hope they can ship to the UK).   --Toby 

ejm's picture

ISO Portuguese cornbread (not sweet)

I believe that bread I'm looking for is called broa de milho. It is quite crusty on the outside but very moist inside with a dense almost white coloured crumb.

In the thread entitled 'looking for a recipe for Portugese Bread', pumpkinpapa posted a recipe for Broa. I tried replying in that thread but foolishly put the reply deep inside the thread to ensure that it would surely get lost. I hope it's okay that I am reposting my questions.

  1. Is the cornmeal yellow or white?
  2. Is the resulting bread quite dense and moist?
  3. I don't suppose you have a photo of the crust and the crumb, pumpkinpapa?

Many thanks!


P.S. A while back, I tried making Portuguese Cornmeal White Bread (Pao A Moda De Sao Miguel) from Gourmet 2000 but it wasn't quite right. The bread was good, just not what I was hoping for.

ehanner's picture

DLX Question

Hey all you DLX users, I just took delivery of a new DLX Assistant mixer which looks like it will be fun. I have read where the first thing to know is that the water goes in first and the flour as it becomes incorporated. I'm wondering about the roller position is a little confusing. The manual says fix the roller 1 inch away for a 2 loaf batch and 1.5 inches for 3 loaves and so on. Others seem to say leave it loose and let it ride the edge.

I searched the forum for nuggets and ran a test batch to experiment with 1100 grams of dough at 65% hydration. It was dry enough to put up a fight as the roller followed the dough. Just wondering what the best advice is for the roller position.
Thanks in advance.


gothicgirl's picture

Reverse Puff Pastry Recipe

Reverse Puff Pastry

Butter Block:
190 gr soft butter
75 gr flour

175 gr flour
7 gr. salt
60 gr melted butter
70 ml water

First, you mix the first quantity of butter and flour together in a large mixer with the paddle attachment.  Mix until it is well combined.  Take this mixture and roll it between two sheets of parchment, as square as you can manage, until it is 3/4 of an inch thick.  Rest in the fridge.

Next, combine the second quantity of flour with the salt, water and melted butter using the dough hook.  Rest for 30 minutes in the fridge. 

After it has rested roll it till it is a little under half the size of the butter.  You will need to leave a border around the outside so you can fully enclose the dough in butter.  Use the parchment paper to help you enclose the package.  Removing the paper can be a trial, but just do the  best you can and repair any holes in the butter.

Allow this to rest in the fridge (this will become a trend if you had not already deduced that for yourself) until the butter is firm but not hard.

Roll out the packet until it is three times as long as it is wide.  Give the dough a three fold.  Rest for 15 to 20 minutes in the fridge and repeat this process 4 more times (for a total of 5 turns)

Roll out and make up as desired!

mcs's picture

kneading and folding re edit - video

Hey there everyone,

This is the *new and improved* version of the kneading and folding video I posted a couple of days ago. As per some of your suggestions, I addressed the volume levels, intro commentary and video angles. I like it a lot better, and I hope you do to. In addition, I used Hamelman's multigrain dough this time, instead of whole wheat. (Floyd, could you put this video on the first thread also instead of the first video? I removed the first one already from YouTube- thanks in advance). Next video will be on shaping.


Noodlelady's picture

Fresh Herb Twist — Local Breads

This weekend I made the Fresh Herb Twist from Daniel Leader's Local Breads. It uses 3 fresh herbs — thyme and rosemary (from my garden) and basil. It was delicious with my beef vegetable stew!

Fresh Herb Twist

Fresh Herb Twist

Fresh Herb Twist crumb

Fresh Herb Twist crumb

mcs's picture

a kneading and folding video

This is another video that my wife and I put together on kneading and folding. Just a little more detail than the PSB video with some commentary. Hope you guys like it.

qahtan's picture


Cheesecake baked, cooled, sliced into 12, separated with food grade plastic wraps, ready for freezer, that can have how ever many slices  needed removed to be thawed and served..... qahtan
