The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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jeffbellamy's picture

Tangy Yogurt Bread

 3 c. proofed starter1 cup plain yogurt2 tsp salt4 cups bread flour

Tangy Yogurt Bread:


3 c. proofed starter

1 cup plain yogurt

2 tsp salt

4 cups bread flour 



KipperCat's picture

A Questionable 5 Minute Loaf

This isn't a question about the book, more about an experiment I conducted. The 2nd time I baked from the master formula, I disregarded the instructions. I didn't expect great bread, but was very surprised at the near total loss of flavor. I was doing this shape for fun, and simply used this dough because it was there. I'm not asking how to make this and have it turn out right, I'm just perplexed at why the flavor was so impacted.

I took an 18 oz chunk of dough cold from the fridge. I don't remember if I did any folding, but rolled it under my hands to make a very long piece, then shaped it as shown. I did let it rest a few times when rolling it longer. When it was fully risen (and jiggly) I slashed it deeply right down the center. I probably should have given it several diagonal slashes instead, more like a baguette.

The resulting crumb had mostly small, even holes, but the bread had no flavor. This is the same batch of dough that had produced wonderful rolls the day before. I'm very curious why the taste was destroyed. Is the rough handling enough to do that? Is the gas in the nice large dough bubbles necessary to flavor the bread while baking?


bwraith's picture

Accidental Sourdough Starter

As I conducted my home ash content tests during the latest home milling and sifting session, a sourdough starter was accidentally started. The home ash content test involves mixing 5 grams of flour with 100 grams of distilled water, stirring it periodically, and measuring the conductivity of the water until it stabilizes, about 24 hours later. All of that time was spent at about 69F, the temperature of my kitchen in the winter. I noticed a familiar smell, something like yogurt, that was reminiscent of the early stages of some of the starter staring experiments I have conducted in the past. The pH was measured and, sure enough it was around 3.4 for all the jars I was testing, even though the jars had various flours including Heartland Mill AP, Golden Buffalo, and whole wheat, as well as various flours from my milling and sifting experiment.

Since the jars appeared to have fermentation activity in them, I decided to give a try at starting one up. After stirring up the slurry in the Golden Buffalo jar, 20 grams of it was mixed with 30 grams of flour to form a fairly firm dough, which was then placed on a shelf above my coffee machine with a temperature of about 79F. It was left there for 24 hours at the end of which it had risen slightly in volume and still had a bit of a sour milk or yogurt smell.

The culture at the end of 24 hours (48 hours from when the first 5 grams was mixed with water) was fed again by taking 5 grams of the culture and mixing it with 22g or Poland Springs water and 28g of KA AP flour. It was placed at 79F above the coffee machine for another 24 hours, and the result was that it had doubled in volume and was beginning to smell more tangy and vinegary like a typical mature sourdough starter. The consistency was a little runny with small bubbles, but it clearly seemed a little closer to a ripe, healthy sourdough starter than it was the day before.

The culture was again fed the same way and returned for another 24 hours to the 79F shelf above the coffee machine. It had risen by about 4x, smelled like a normal sourdough starter, and had the usual consistency of a somewhat ripe firm sourdough starter.

I'm sure it is ready to be used to make some bread. After starting so many of these starters in the last few years in various experiments, I know what a healthy one is like. It went so smoothly, it seemed worth mentioning, as it is a little different from the usual recipes.

To summarize this accidental process:

Day 1:

Mix 5 grams of very fresh whole wheat flour (or maybe white flour, as the Heartland Mill AP smelled much the same, though less intense) with 100 grams of distilled water (saves any trouble with chlorine, alkalinity or other problems with water), stir, and let sit, covered, at room temperature (I imagine at 79F would work, too) for 24 hours, stirring or swirling periodically.

Day 2:

Stir up the water and flour mixture and take 20 grams of it and place in a clean jar. Add 30 grams of white flour, stir into a thick paste or a firm dough, and let sit at around 79F (probably room temperature would also work, though it might take several more days, depending on how cold it is) for 24 hours.

Day 3 and beyond:

Feed the culture by taking 5 grams of the culture, mix with 20 grams of water and 28 grams of white flour. Let sit for 24 hours at 79F.

Probably you don't need distilled water anymore, in fact it may not be needed at all at the beginning either. It may be good to avoid chlorinated water. I use bottled water without any problems, but my well water is surprisingly alkaline and it seems to have been the cause of some problems with starting starters I've experienced in the past.

The culture should be ready when it no longer turns runny after rising by more than about 3x and has large bubbles in it if you cut into it with a spoon. With the feeding above, it should rise by more than 2x in about 4.5 hours at 79F, about 5.5 hours at 74F, or about 7.5 hours at 69F.

It might take several days longer, but this worked for me faster than any method I've tried in the past.

I suppose it's just a lucky but rare event, but it seemed like every single jar in all these home ash content measurements I've been doing have a very similar smell after 24 hours. I wouldn't be surprised if any of them would have started up by just feeding them.

It's also possible that some sort of cross contamination with my active starter occured, except I did these by mixing distilled water poured from a container that I believe couldn't possibly have had any contamination from my active starters. Also, I only stirred by swirling the jars and didn't use any stirrer or whisk. I did use a fork on subsequent days, but that fork had been through the dishwasher and never used to stir my active sourdough starter. I suppose the jar I used may have somehow had some residue of an active starter in it, but I had recently thoroughly cleaned the jars used in these experiments with soap and hot water.

Anyway, I'd be curious if anyone else gives this a try and it works for them, if you're curious to try it. The things that's a little different about this method from what I've read about or tried in the past is the very high initial hydration (2000%) at room temperature followed by immediate conversion to a firm white starter at a fairly warm 79F. I wonder if there is some unexpected advantage to this method.


qahtan's picture

my "recipes

my way for variety breads

When I make bread I do not go rigidly by amounts in a recipe.
I use a DLX, and I use bottled water, some times I use 2 bottles
some times 1 and what ever is left in another one.
I add part of the flour enough to mix in a tablespoon of sugar
and about 1 inch cube of fresh yeast that I crumple into the
water /flour,
I then add almost enough more flour to give me a nice dough, adding
a good 1/4 cup soft butter, mix that in, then 1 1/2 teaspoons salt,
and enough flour to give me the right feel of dough.
I then remove from the bowl, hand knead on floured counter to a
nice smooth round ball, place in oiled bowl, spray with water, cover
and let rise.
Then I knock it back, and bake as however I want it, maybe loaf
pans with 20 ounces in, or Pullman with 30 ounces, or bread rolls or
maybe free form. sweet buns, hot cross buns etc
I have been making bread for many many years, also a wide variety
of it.
To me bread is not an exact science, I enjoy bread baking, well any
baking from scratch. Also I have shown many friends how to make
bread, oh and also pastry. ;-))
I believe that bread takes it own sweet time to rise.
As I said I use a DLX, before that I used a Cuisinart Pro 7 food
processor, before that a Kenwood mixer, I have a K A mixer but it
really is not for breads etc.
I do mill my whole wheat flour. I some times add grated cheese to my dough, swap flours IE whole wheat,

 multi grain, add raisins etc and more sugar, or walnuts and walnut oil, the list is endless

all kinds of ways to give me a difference in flavour, and ofcourse different shapes. ;-)))) qahtan


jonkertb's picture

lurker learning and looking for critique of new loaves

new loavesnew loaves

New guy here 

Finally got photos to load (enough to drive one to the yeasted beverage)

I've been away from bread making for several years but recently got back to it in an effort to clone the multi grain loaf at Panera Bread.  My wife says mine is better so thought I'd share a photo here and ask for some feedback from the more able ones on here. 

It is started the day before with 3 cups water, 1/2 cup each of spelt, rye, and buckwheat along w/3 cups WW, 1 teaspoon yeast and 2 tbspn vital gluten.  What's the fancy french word I can't pronounce...for the overnight ferment?

Then I add 2 tbspn each of molassas, buttermilk powder, BRM 10 grain, flax seed, hulled millet, steel cut oats, quinona, and sesame seeds.  I also add at this time 2 tsp salt and bread flour to make a slightly sticky dough.

Let it rise, divide, knead, shape, slash, let rise, and bake w/o preheating at 450 for 30 plus till the interior is 190+

I shape my loaves and use bakers secret brownie pans for my shaped loaves....


so, what should I tweak, do differently??  (besides figuring out how to take the closeups in focus)

thanks for all the reading I've enjoyed on here

thanks for a great site Floyd

Tom in west central Indiana

sonofYah's picture

Excel 2003 - Simple Dough Scaling Spreadsheet

I have made a simple little 1 sheet spreadsheet to scale recipes easily. I have attached comments to certain cells in the spreadsheet to explain how it works. If anyone is interested, I saved it in Excel 2003 format. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this spreadsheet, email me and I will send you a copy. It is only 25 kb in size.

If you see a problem with it, let me know and I will correct it.

 --Gordon in TX--

MissyErin's picture

Technical question about starter hydrations

I'm full of questions tonight, but this one has baffled my (mathematically trained) brain...

I keep a starter at 100% hydration.

For the ease of conversation, I'm going to refer to Maggie Glezer's recipe in Artisan Baking - Essential's Columbia.

The evening before baking it says to put together a firm starter, and mix with 63% water and 100% flour. The starter that its referring to in the book appears to be kept at about 30%.  (please double check me on this, as I'm still getting used to these hydration #s).  So, my technical question is this... to make this recipe, would I need to turn my 100% into a 30% first, then making it a 63% for this recipe?  OR, would I just turn my 100% into a 63%, and go from there.  What baffles me is that the 30 grams of starter that the recipe assumes I'm starting with is at 30%, versus my 100% should I just start from that point.  Granted, 30gms isn't much in relation to the 245gms that the remaining ingredients are, but does that affect the recipe much?  

I guess what I'm wondering is, will it take me 1 or 2 days to get to where I can actually start this recipe?  Meaning, how many refreshes would/should it take to get the starter where it needs to be in recipes such as this, that refer to a starter that is a different hydration than the one living in my fridge. and as future reference,  please let me know if I'm just being retardedly anal about this.. I understand.  My husband always emphasizes how LITERAL I am... so I would understand totally if that was the case here.  

And lastly, what are general % guidelines for a "stiff" starter versus a "wet" or "liquid" one.  Is it like 50% and up is wet and below is stiff?  Is it even as simple as that? My head is swimming!  and I'm sure yours is too after reading this ridiculous post! 

Thank you for help  :)


leemid's picture

Comparing slow vs. fast WW bread process

I have settled on my recipe version of PR's WW bread. It is an adaption of the transitional recipe. I have written about it before but yesterday I had to deal with the fact that my family is eating more of my bread and running out before I can make more. So I tossed PR's 2 day method for whole grain bread for the old way mom used to do it.

Using the same recipe I did it in about 3 1/2 hours. I tossed all of the ingredients into the Kitchenaid and mixed it up, rested it, then kneaded it with the hook for 5 min. Then it got an initial rise/ferment followed by rising in the loaf pan. My youngest daughter used all of the molasses for horse cookies so I used honey instead. That is the principle reason for the slightly lighter color. Other than the color, the differences are the expected coarser texture/crumb, but I don't mean the feel of it so much as the taste of it. The feel of the crumb is essentially the same as the long process bread. All in all it is good bread. I will make it this way in a real pinch. In a minor pinch, having the day but not two, I will use the soaker/biga combination to get the smoother taste. Bottom line is that good ingredients and a good recipe make good bread. Process, as we all know, makes better bread. The better the process, the better the bread.

Here's the original Lee version of PR's Traditional WW Sandwich Bread:

WW loafWW loaf

Here is yesterday's quick version w/honey:

WW bread, quick w/honeyWW bread, quick w/honey

If I had a better camera you would see a clearer crumb, but I think you can see that there is little if any apparent difference. While I like the other method, I gotta say this is tasty.

That's my story,


sannimiti's picture

proofing time

hi, good morning. i just started baking bread again yesterday, cheated and bought a sourdough from our local organic bakery. it's very good and strong.

anyway, i used my standby recipe from the bba, basic sourdough bread, once made just plain and once made with 30% millet and pumpkin seed addition (thanks for teaching me baker's percentage!). i also spiked it with 1--1/2 tsp. yeast, as pr suggests. as i tend to let my breads overrise i reread the chapter on prroofing and ove nspring. the plain sourdough had wonderful oven spring so did the boule i made from the yeasted dough. but the rolls made from the yeasted are delicious but little bricks that didn't rise in the oven as well. i carefully scaled 80 gr pieces which is what the bakery mentioned above uses for their rolls. the don't add dough enhancer, still their rolls are big and light. i poked all of the breads/ rolls with a finger to determine wether the dough was proofed enough. they all tested done(dough sprang back).

proofing time has always been the guesswork in baking for me so maybe someone can explain it a little more to  me . i'd appreciate this a lot!


goodday,  sanni 

Windischgirl's picture

Hi everyone

Greetings! I just joined the list this AM, but have been a bread baker for a teen, Saturday was my baking day and I worked my way thru "Bread on Bread". After a hiatus of several years (read "grad school" and "career"), I got on the bread machine bandwagon. OK, I admit I still use it for kneading from time to time. But what has really inspired me now were two trips to Switerland--the first by myself in April, and most recently, last month with my family...husband, two teens and a tween. They are all now begging for Swiss bread: the crust and the chew are amazing.

As I was planning what to bake today, I started thinking about my baking great-grand parents owned a bakery in Austria-Hungary, and when my grandfather bought the business, he got both the shop and their eldest daughter ;-) and that was REAL bread, with a real crust, baked in a hearth. So I guess some of my aspirations are hereditary!

I found out about this site thru a series of links as I was trying to find out more info on lames and rising baskets. I appreciated the suggestions on that thread, and I have some ideas of my own to post.

BTW, if anyone has recipes for traditional Swiss breads--other than Zopf, which I have several recipes for already--I'd appreciate you sharing them.

thanks for the welcome!


Paula F

Philadelphia PA 
