The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Benito's blog

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For this bake of my usual country sourdough I wanted to see how well the aliquot jar correlates with pH readings.  I have usually been shaping when the aliquot jar shows a 60% rise and now trying to push bulk wanted to cold retard when the rise is 110%.  This might be a bit overproofed but we’ll see.  From what I’ve seen shared from other bakers, they are shaping when pH reaches 4.4 and baking when pH is 4.1.  Now I do not have my new pH meter so I think I have to take these readings with a grain of salt, but I did calibrate my meter prior to use but keep in mind the readings were taken by placing the meter’s blunt probe end into a separate small aliquot jar that I did so that readings wouldn’t affect the dough or the aliquot jar used for measuring rise.  The pH meter for dough and bread is still back ordered so these reading maybe quite off.  Ideally I should have taken a small amount of the dough and mixed it with water and then take a reading, but I was too lazy to do this.

The following are the readings I got.

600 am 600 slap and folds completed

620 am bench letterfold pH 5.64 proofer set at 80*F 

640 am lamination 

705 am coil fold pH 5.57

725 am coil fold pH 5.57

750 am coil fold pH 5.47

815 am coil fold pH 5.45

845 am coil fold pH 5.28

945 am aliquot rise 25% pH 5.1 

1100 am 40% rise pH

1125 am 52.5% rise pH 4.8

1152 am 60% rise pH 4.4 shaped 

1242 pm 75% rise pH 4.28 proofed 80ºF 

102 pm 85% rise pH 4.21

130 pm 95% rise pH 4.01

205 pm 110% rise pH 4.02 into cold retard

715 am next day pH 4.02


So you can see that I didn’t cold retard at 4.1 instead when the aliquot jar showed 110% rise the pH had fallen to 4.02 a fair amount lower than 4.1.  Surprisingly the pH the following day after 17 hours in the 3ºC fridge was the same 4.02.  Given that 900 g of dough would take several hours to reach 3ºC I would have expected the pH to fall even further and was surprised that it did not.  However, I’m not sure how accurate my pH meter truly is.

Benito's picture

I haven’t made a pizza in ages and had a hankering for sourdough pizza.  I’m made minor changes to how I ferment my sourdough pizza dough, I’ve realized that my pizza dough in the past had been underfermented.

I use a cast iron 9-10” skillet and my home oven to make pizza and I think you can really do great pizza at home without a specialized pizza oven.  The formula below has been slightly altered from the one Will shared with us during the pizza Community Bake.  Wanting to save my KA from an early death, I made this pizza dough fully by hand and have to say it really isn’t that hard to do this.  I won’t bother using my KA standmixer for pizza dough again in the future.

Prepare your marinated vegetables at least 1-2 hours before time to bake.  We generally eat one pizza each, each day for two days so I’ll make enough marinated veggies for the four pizzas.  In a medium bowl, combine artichoke hearts, chopped onion, sliced roasted red peppers, sun dried cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives  and sliced peperoncini with red wine vinegar, oregano (dried or fresh), salt and pepper and toss.


For 4 9” pizzas NY style thin crust 200 g each

Levain Build 100% hydration 35 g needed


433 g bread flour

43 g Whole grain flour (50:50 whole spelt:whole wheat)

4.76 g Diastatic malt 1%

252 g water and

41 g water hold out

8.43 g salt 1.71%

2.5 g sugar 0.5%

4.8 g olive oil 1.0%


Total flour 493.5

Total water 310.5 

63% hydration water only

64% including olive oil


Sourdough version you may have to adjust the amount of levain. At 3.5% PreFerment Flour (PFF) 2-4 day retard should work.


(1) In your mixer bowl(or by hand) dissolve the Starter or yeast in all of the Final Dough Water except the HOLD OUT Water.  (Add diastatic malt too)

(2) Mix in the flours until well hydrated 

(3) Allow to fermentolyse for 1hr 

(4) Mix in the remaining HOLD OUT Water, salt, and sugar mix until well-incorporated. 

(5) Slowly drizzle in the oil until well combined. 

(6) Beat or knead by hand until dough is moderately developed. The dough will be sticky and elastic. If kneading by hand, use slightly wet hands and avoid adding more flour. 

(7) Oil your hands and a suitable container. 

(8) Shape into a tight ball.  I divide the ball into four smaller ones each for one 9” pizza at this point.  Each goes into a small oiled bowl and allowed to proof for 1 hour before starting cold fermentation.

(9) Cold ferment in the refrigerator for 48-96hrs. 

(10) Remove to warm up to room temp for at 3-6hr or so before use, or you can ferment at room temp. for 6hrs.   2-3 hours seem ideal 80ºF 

(11) Stretch the balls into your desired size skins (see video below), top and bake at 550F (as high as your oven will go) Until the crust is browned and the cheese has melted. Spin the pie at least once to avoid burning due to oven hot spots. I have included a link to a skin stretching tutorial. Watch this video, more than a few times then go through the motions in your head. If you can see it in your mind's eye, you too can be a home oven pizzaiolo! 


Heat oven to 550ºF roasting setting, with skillet in oven on baking steel on the second highest rack about 1 hour.  My set up with the baking steel on the roasting rack that set up is on the third highest rack because of the added height from the roasting rack so it essentially makes the skillet on the second highest rack.

Place stretched dough into skillet and top with sauce and toppings.

If doing a pizza sauce pizza, could brush dough with olive oil before sauce.


Make sure the non oily side of the dough is down in the skillet to avoid a burnt bottom. 


Bake for 3 minutes at 550ºF then rotate and bake for another 3 minutes.  Remove from oven and top with the paprika mussels, enjoy.


The following video was made months ago but still shows how I shape the pizza dough.


Benito's picture

I’ve had my eye on this method of shaping a milk bread for sometime when I first saw this on my IG feed.  This bake is inspired by Chiew See of Autumn Kitchen, she used a similar method of shaping a matcha milk bread last summer and I’ve wanted to try it ever since and finally got around to doing it this long weekend. 

For a 9 x 4 x 4 inch pullman pan


Overnight levain build

14 g starter + 86 g cold water + 86 g bread flour left to ferment at 74ºF overnight.

Take butter out when build levain.


For the Black sesame powder


Grind 86 g of toasted black sesame seeds (I used a coffee grinder) then combine with 18 g of sugar.  Cover and set aside until the morning.


To prepare the purple sweet potato I used the instant pot to steam them, then removed the meat from the skins and mashed them until smooth.  I have found that you can freeze the mashed sweet potato so you can make a fair amount and freeze them in small portions for future use.

The next morning mix the following except for the butter.

312 g bread flour (282 g if using 30 g to premix with the softened butter)

1 large egg

30 g sugar

126 g milk

6 g salt

180 g levain 


Total flour = 402 g


30 g room temperature butter. Take out first thing in the morning.


After butter is softened mix it with 30 g of flour (so subtract 30 g flour from the dough above) because this will make the butter far easier to incorporate.


This time I didn’t use the standmixer, I am gradually killing my KA mixer by making pizza doughs and milk breads.  I’ve decided I will try to handmix these doughs from now on to extend the life of my mixer.  


In a bowl, mix the egg, milk, sugar, salt and levain until well blended.  Then add the flour and mix until no dry flour remains, rest for 5-10 mins.  The slap and fold until you have a strong smooth dough with a full windowpane.  


Mix your 30 g of room temperature butter with 30 g of bread flour until smooth.  The add this to your dough in thirds slapping and folding each time until well incorporated and fully developed.  Rest for 5-10 mins then divide the dough into thirds, it is fine if they aren’t the same size since two of the portions will have inclusions.


Take the smallest third and combine with the black sesame powder and knead by hand until the black sesame powder is well incorporated.  Shape into a boule and set aside under a tea towel.

Finally take the third dough ball and gradually combine with the mashed purple sweet potato smearing it on the surface and folding it in.  Knead until the dough is a uniform colour and smooth.  Shape into a boule and place under a tea towel to rest for 5 mins.


Lightly flour a work surface and the plain dough boule.  Roll out to at least 12” in length and almost as wide as the length of your pan, set aside.  Continue to do the same with the other two balls next rolling the black sesame dough out to 12” and placing that on top of the plain rolled out dough.  Finally rolling the anko dough out again to 12” and finally placing that on top of the black sesame dough.


Roll the laminated three doughs out to about 16-18” in length.  Next using a ruler and a pizza cutting wheel, cut the dough into strips lengthwise about 1.5-2 cm wide but leaving the last 2-4 cm of dough uncut at one end.  Finally when all the strips are cut twist each strip in alternating directions.  See my photos below.  Once all the strips are twisted next roll the dough into a log starting with the uncut dough, roll tightly, again see the photos for the final appearance of the dough.  I actually found transferring the dough into the pullman pan to be the most challenging part of the whole formula.   Place the log in your prepared Pullman pan with the seam side down (I like to line it with parchment so it is easy to remove from the pan).  Place in the proofing box set to 82-84ºF to proof until the dough comes to approximately 1 cm below the edge of the Pullman pan.  This takes about 8-8.5 hours at 82ºF, the yeast isn’t likely to be osmotolerant so it will take longer than you would normally expect.


At about 30 mins before you think your dough will be at 1 cm below the edge of the pan, preheat your oven to 355ºF with a rack or baking steel/stone on the lowest rack.  At this time prepare an egg wash and gently brush it on the top of the dough.  When the oven is ready 30 mins later, brush the top of the dough again with the egg wash.  Bake for 45 mins turning once halfway through.  Keep an eye on the top crust and be prepared to shield it with either aluminum foil or a cookie tray above if it is getting dark too soon.  After 45 mins remove from the pan to check for doneness.  Place the bread back in the oven for another 5 minutes to ensure that the crust on the sides is fully set and baked.


Remove from oven and place on a rack to cool completely before slicing.

Benito's picture

I won’t bother posting the formula as it is the same as previously posted.  For this loaf I added toasted black sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds during lamination.  Bulk went to  60% rise in the aliquot jar and then final bench warm proof to 110% at which time it went into the fridge for a cold retard.  Based on the slight spreading that this loaf had either it is a bit overproofed or over hydrated.

Benito's picture

Miso nori sourdough 77% hydration 20% whole red fife.  For this bake I really pushed fermentation using the aliquot jar I shaped at a 60% rise then ended final proof at 110%. A quick 20 minutes in the freezer while the oven preheated and baked. One mistake I made was that I forgot to turn the oven down to 450ºF after I loaded the dough. I didn’t catch my mistake until 12 mins into baking. Now the miso already makes the crust darker but some amount of the colour is also that high bake temperature. I tried to compensate by dropping the temperature to a much lower 375ºF after the Dutch oven part was completed.

Levain 90 g prefermented flour 9% 45 g 

18 g + 36 g + 18 g red fife and 18 g AP


AP flour 377 g

Whole red fife 72 g

Water 330 g + 5 g when adding levain

Salt 8.125 g

Diastatic malt 2 g


Miso 7.5% 37.5 g (1.875 g salt in this)

Dissolve salt and miso in water then add flours.  Saltolyse for 1-3 hours.


Add levain and additional 5 g of water and Rubaud mix for 5 mins.  Rest 5 mins.  The slap and fold to full gluten development - 700 slap and folds.

Bulk fermentation at 82ºF. 

Rest 30 mins then strong bench letterfold.  Set up aliquot jar.

Rest 30 mins then lamination and add 10 g nori flakes.

Coil fold when dough relaxes approximately every 30 mins and stop once dough structure is good.  5 coil folds done.

Shape when aliquot jar shows 60% rise.

Placed in banneton and back into proofing box without humidity at 82ºF until aliquot jar shows 110% rise.

Place in freezer for 20-30 mins or until oven preheated to 500ºF is ready.

Bake in preheated dutch oven at 450ºF for 20 mins.

Drop temperature to 420ºF and continue to bake in dutch oven for 10 mins.

Remove from dutch oven and bake on rack at 420ºF until full baked about 15 additional





Benito's picture

Recently I changed from Robin Hood Bread flour to Anita’s Organic All Purpose flour.  I did a flour stress test and found that Anita’s is more extensible than Robin Hood, however, I’ve discovered in my past couple of bakes that it cannot absorb as much water.  In this bake I’ve reduced the hydration of this formula from 80 to 76%.  I did a bake of this formula that came out flat.  At first I thought it was over proofed, since I’ve been pushing proofing, but when I sliced it open it showed no signs of overproofing so my feeling is that it was over hydrated.  If you’re interested in the formula, I’ve posted it before the only changes made this time were to replace all the white flours with the all purpose and to lower the hydration to 76%.  I allowed this to ferment to 60% rise in the aliquot jar as has been my usual lately.  After shaping I allowed a further warm 82ºF final proof until the aliquot jar rose to 95%.  Based on the expansion and bloom of this loaf, I’m guessing I could have gone further, but the crumb will tell for sure.

Benito's picture

Those who know me know that adding seeds especially black sesame seeds is one of my favorite inclusions to add to my sourdough breads.  For this loaf I’ve added poppy seeds, toasted sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.  I’ve used my country sourdough recipe except that I’m trying a new flour which as you know is always a challenge.  I’m using Anita’s Organic All Purpose Flour for all of the white flour in this loaf.  It has a protein of around 12% so it should be up to the challenge of a bread.  As you know, Canadian flours are pretty strong so even most of the AP flours are strong enough for bread.  I also did a gluten test on this flour and found it more extensible than the bread flour I usually use but less absorbent of water.  I’ve reduced the hydration to 78% because of that change, but otherwise it is my usual country loaf with 15% whole red fife and 5% rye.  The pre-fermented flour is 9% and the seeds totaled 10%.  Because I’ve been overproofing lately I didn’t go for quite as much bench proofing before cold retard especially since I’m not that familiar with this flour, so I only allowed a 45 min bench proof.  Given the size of the baked loaf I’m thinking it won’t have my coveted lacy crumb that I so elusive to me.  I hope over time with this extensible flour that I’ll find the sweet spot for lacy crumb.

Benito's picture

I hope I’m not boring you guys with these swirled milk breads, but the flavor combinations seem like endless possibilities.  This one is a great combination that you’ll find in any good bubble tea house.  Something about matcha and anko just go so well together.  The anko (red bean or azuki bean paste) is homemade and I’ve been gradually making my way through the batch I made weeks back.  It freezes and defrosts very well so if you’re interested in making some don’t worry that you’ll have to use it up all at once.

Overnight levain build

14 g starter + 86 g cold water + 86 g bread flour left to ferment at 74ºF overnight.

Take butter out when build levain.


For the Matcha paste


Mix 8.5 g Matcha 25 g sugar and 10 g water until smooth, cover and set aside until the morning.


The next morning mix the following except for the butter.

282 g bread flour

1 large egg

30 g sugar

126 g milk

6 g salt

180 g levain 


Separately mix your room temperature 30 g butter with 30 g bread flour and put aside.


Using a standmixer, mix until incorporated at low speed.  Then mix at higher speed until gluten well formed.  Then gradually add the flour butter mixture and mix until the dough is elastic, shines and smooth.  Because we premixed the butter with flour this step of adding the butter will go very quickly.


Remove the dough from the mixer, shape into a ball and divide into approximate thirds.  Shape the largest third into a boule and set aside covered with a towel.


Take the smallest third and combine with the anko and knead by hand until the anko is well incorporated.  Shape into a boule and set aside under a tea towel.

Finally take the third dough ball and using the mixer add the matcha paste and mix until well combined.  Shape into a boule and place under a tea towel to rest for 5 mins.


Lightly flour a work surface and the plain dough boule.  Roll out to at least 12” in length and almost as wide as the length of your pan, set aside.  Continue to do the same with the other two balls next rolling the black sesame dough out to 12” and placing that on top of the plain rolled out dough.  Finally rolling the anko dough out again to 12” and finally placing that on top of the black sesame dough.


Roll the laminated three doughs out to about 16-18” in length.  Next tightly roll the laminated doughs starting with the short end until you have a swirled log.  Place the log in your prepared Pullman pan with the seam side down (I like to line it with parchment so it is easy to remove from the pan).  Place in the proofing box set to 82-84ºF to proof until the dough comes to approximately 1 cm below the edge of the Pullman pan.  This takes about 8-8.5 hours at 82ºF, the yeast isn’t likely to be osmotolerant so it will take longer than you would normally expect.


At about 30 mins before you think your dough will be at 1 cm below the edge of the pan, preheat your oven to 355ºF with a rack or baking steel/stone on the lowest rack.  At this time prepare an egg wash and gently brush it on the top of the dough.  When the oven is ready 30 mins later, brush the top of the dough again with the egg wash.  Bake for 45 mins turning once halfway through.  Keep an eye on the top crust and be prepared to shield it with either aluminum foil or a cookie tray above if it is getting dark too soon.  After 45 mins remove from the pan to check for doneness.  Place the bread back in the oven for another 5 minutes to ensure that the crust on the sides is fully set and baked.



Remove from oven and place on a rack to cool completely before slicing.


Benito's picture

Shisaido black sesame sourdough, shisaido is seaside in Japanese.  I called it this because of the seaweed, the nori flakes that are in this bread.  The smell of this bread just out of the oven is divine, you can smell the nori and the black sesame seeds.  This is my country loaf with nori and black sesame seeds, so my base sourdough recipe.

The levain build is overnight along with an overnight saltolyse for convenience.  In the morning add the levain to the dough and do Rubaud kneading for a few minutes.  Rest and then slap and fold until full gluten development.  500 done.  Rest 20 mins.  Bulk temperature 82ºF.

Bench letter fold, rest 30 mins. Set up aliquot jar.  

Lamination add black sesame seeds and 10 g of crushed nori sheets.  Rest 30 mins and do coil folds about 30 mins apart waiting for the dough to relax.  Four and a half coil folds done.

Shaped into batard when aliquot jar showed 60% rise.

Warm bench proof until aliquot jar 95-100% rise then cold retard for 7 hours.


Preheat oven 500ºF with dutch oven inside.

Once over reaches temp, turn dough out of banneton, score and bake in dutch oven for 20 mins at 450ºF with lid on.  Drop temperature to 420ºF and bake 10 mins with lid on.


Remove lid band bake for 20 mins or until done with the bread out of the dutch oven on rack directly.


Benito's picture

This is the first time I’ve eaten an Ichigo Daifuku so I can say it the best I’ve ever eaten ?. This is the second time making mochi and I don’t think I’ve shared the method I found on the net that makes this so easy to prepare.  Normally, the traditional Japanese method is to prepare glutinous rice and then pound it for hours and hours.  OK I do NOT have time for that so there is a shortcut.  Does the shortcut make exactly the same chewy texture we so love about mochi, not quite, but it is good enough for most of us except diehard mochi perfectionists (not me).


115 g glutinous rice flour

60 g sugar

125 mL water

8 tbsp anko

8 small strawberries

1 tbsp potato starch (preferred by Japanese) or cornstarch



  • In a large bowl, mix together the 1 heaped cup of glutinous rice flour, 4 tbsp of sugar and 1/2 cup of water until combined.
  • Loosely cover with cling wrap and microwave for 1 minute.
  • With the spoon, give it a quick mix, re-cover and pop back in for another minute.
  • Get a spatula, and wet it in water. Pull the mochi away from the sides and fold it in until it's a rough dough ball shape. It should be sticky and pliable, with the colour turning from bright white to a more translucent cream.
  • Spread the cornstarch on a clean dry surface, and pop the mochi onto it using the wet spatula. Cover it with cornstarch until it's no longer sticky, molding it into a thick and flat disc, and allow to cool for a few minutes.
  • make 8 tbsp size balls of anko and place on a plate
  • Clean and hull 8 small strawberries
  • wrap each strawberry with the anko all around leaving just the tip of the strawberry exposed.
  • Repeat until all the strawberries are wrapped in anko.
  • Sprinkle the top of the dough lightly with more cornstarch. Cut the dough into 8 equal pieces, ideally with a bench scraper (it can be easier to visualize if you cut the round into fourths and then divide each of those in half).

  • Dust your hands with a little cornstarch before handling the sticky dough (an excessive amount will dry out the dough too much and make forming the balls harder). Roll a piece into a ball, then flatten into a disc 2 1/2 to 3 inches wide. The dough should be soft and malleable. Place the anko covered strawberry in the center of your disk of mochi with the exposed tip of the strawberry pointing down.  Then gradually and careful fold the disk of mochi over the anko covered strawberry twisting to seal the dough.

    It can help to flip the round seam side down to form it into a neater ball. Roll the mochi in the cornstarch pressing a little to help it adhere, reshaping the ball as needed. If your hands are feeling sticky, just dust again with cornstarch. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling (you may have some filling left over, which can be stirred into yogurt or oatmeal). Work as quickly and confidently as you can so the dough doesn’t get too cold.

    Serve immediately.


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